Important News:SafeLogic's CryptoComply Achieves FIPS 140-3 Validation and Receives FIPS 140-3 certificate #4781! Read the blog post!
FIPS 186-2 Restrictions in CMVP's Implementation Guidance G.18
December 12, 2019 •Walt Paley
Algorithms - Part 3 - CAVP
September 4, 2019 •Walt Paley
Algorithms - Part 2 - Suite B and CNSA
August 28, 2019 •Walt Paley
Algorithms - Part 1 - AES (Advanced Algorithm Standard)
August 21, 2019 •Walt Paley
Still Not Validated
August 30, 2016 •Walt Paley
How Does the SWEET32 Issue Affect SafeLogic’s FIPS Modules?
August 24, 2016 •Mark Minnoch
My Worry and Optimism for Cybersecurity in 2015
January 5, 2015 •Ray Potter